This tool can be used as a small summary or as a motivation short linked story at the end of the lesson. I used it in grade 10 in the chapter related to green plants and their importance in reducing air pollution
Ted ed can be a great tool to be used as a part of flipped classroom. It can also be used as a motivation for students prior lesson implementation. I used it in grade 11 sciences to introduce learners to the concept of DNA and its structure, knowing that it is the first time in their curriculum that they study such a topic in details
One of the most remarkable tools is educaplay. This tool allows education top be more fun and interesting for both teachers and learners. I created a game that is related to genetics For grade 12 LS, and then I sent the link to the watapp group that we have formed before. They all played it and it took the form of assessment for their knowledge.
This tool can be used to send a certain explained lesson as a voice record to learners so that they can repeat it anytime also it helps auditory learners to better acquire knowledge. it can also be accompanied by an image that better simplifies certain topics
C maps are a great tool to use. I used it at the end of my lesson that is in grade 12 LS chapter 5 document 4: chromosomal mutations. it was as a summary that they could use to study or to better relate topics together for a meaningful learning
Google forms is a great tool to use as a diagnostic test or as a formative assessment tool. I used this google form to assess the learning of grade 12 LS students in immunology, where figures and direct questions were inserted. They took it as a homework where i sent them the link on the watapp group and they really enjoyed it.
This link is not a web 2.0 tool, however i thought of sharing it on my blog considering its great importance for high school biology teachers especially that we do not have genetics labs in our high schools so we can allow student to interact with a virtual lab that has many experiments within.